(2012-14) Simulated Task Enviroment for Collaborative Systems Evaluation. Principal Investigator. National Project, grant by FCT (PTDC/EIA-EIA/117058/2010). Funding received: 70.225€. participants: FCUL.
(2011-12) Strategic Project – UI 408 – 2011-2012. Principal Investigator. National Project, grant by FCT (PEst-OE/EEI/UI0408/2011). Funding received: 259.998€. participants: FCUL.
(2010-11) Sacim – Situation Awareness in Critical Incident Management. Principal Investigator. National project, grant by FCT (PTDC/EIA/102875/2008). Funding received: 62.706€. Participants: FCUL.
(2007-09) A-CSCW – Attentive CSCW. Principal Investigator. National project, grant by FCT (PTDC/EIA/67589/2006). Funding received: 80.000€. Participants: FCUL, INESC.
(2005-08) E-Voting – a New Architectural Framework for Handling Risk in E-Voting Systems. Principal Investigator. National project, grant by FCT (POSI/EIA/57038/2004). Funding received: 88.000€. Participants: FCUL, ADETTI, INESC-ID, IEETA, ITIJ, STAPE.
(2005-07) Wrck – Wearable Collaboration Kit. Principal Investigator. National project, grant by FCT (Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico, Proj. REEQ/643/EEI/2005). Funding received: 85.000€. Participants: LaSIGE.
(2004) Audit of Portuguese Electronic Voting Pilot Developed for the 2004 Portuguese European Elections. Principal Investigator. Contract, UMIC. Funding received: 6000€.
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