(2008-10) Evaluating Mobile Shared Workspaces. International Expert. International project, grant by Fondecyt, Chile (Proj. 1080352).
(2008-2009) A Mobile Creativity Support Tool for Knowledge Management. Grant by Fondecyt, Chile (Proj. 1085010).
(2007) Study on Digital Identity. Editor of the societal section. Non-profit, APDSI – Portuguese Association for the Development of Information Systems. Principal investigator: Paulo Veríssimo.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/interface-07en.pdf (english)http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/interface-07pt.pdf (portuguese)
(1995-99) Sisco – Sistemas Cooperativos De Software. Researcher. International Project, grant by CYTED (Programa iberoamericano de ciencia y tecnologia para el desarrollo). Participants: IST/Portugal, UFPE/Brazil, Univ. Católica de Chile/Chile, Univ. Católica de Asuncion/Paraguai, UFRJ/Brazil, ITAM/México, Univ. de Chile/Chile.
(1994-96) Broadcast (Esprit Basic Research Action on Advanced Distributed Computing: From Algorithms to Systems). Researcher. European Project, grant by European Union (ESPRIT BRA 6360). Participants: INESC/Portugal, EPFL/Switzerland, INRIA/France, IRISA/France, Univ. di Bologna/Italy, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne/UK, Univ. Twente/Holland.
(1994-96) Orchestra (Organizational Change, Evolution, Structuring and Awareness). Researcher. European Project, grant by European Union (ESPRIT 8749). Participants: INESC/Portugal, Software AG/Germany, SMD Informática/Portugal, Novabase/Portugal, Taskon/Norway, EDP/Portugal, Edinfor/Portugal, UITESA/Spain, ISCTE/Portugal, LISLE/Spain, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid/Spain.
(1989-92) Euromath – European Mathematical Trust. Researcher. European Project, grant by European Union (CEC/DG XII – European Mathematical Trust). Participants: INESC/Portugal, GRIF/France.
(1988-89) Comandos (Conception and Management of Distributed Operating Systems). Researcher. European Project, grant by European Union (ESPRIT 834).
(1988-89) Estimulo (Estação Multimédia). Researcher. National Project, grant by JNICT (87634).
(1988) Somiw (Secured Open Multimedia Integrated Workstation). Researcher. European Project, grant by European Union (ESPRIT 367). Participants: INESC/Portugal, Bull/France, INRIA/France, Iselqui/Italy, CSELT/Italy, AEG/Germany.