(2005-07). WrCK – Wearable Collaboration Kit. Financed by FCT (Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico – Projecto REEQ/643/EEI/2005). National project. Project coordinator. Participants: LaSIGE.
The objective of this project is to set up a mobile collaboratory where people dispersed in space and moving around, are able to collaborate synchronously with each other, as well as with other people at fixed sites. The mobile collaboratory is adequate to:
- Knowledge intensive and mobile work situations
- Tasks where time is critical
- Tasks where people must deal with the latest information
- Situations where remote expert information is needed
- Decision-making situations requiring informal collaboration
The proposed infrastructure combines fixed and wearable components. The wearable components are in fact backpacks with wearable computers, GPRS phones, head Mounted Displays, audio devices, wearable keyboards, Palm Pilots, Video Cameras and GPS. Each backpack has a Personal Area Network (PAN) using USB, 802.11b and Bluetooth technologies. The backpacks are networked together using GPRS phones. The proposed infrastructure contributes to advanced research in the CSCW, HCI and MobiComp fields.
The project involved an intense research activity from the HCIM (Human Computer Interaction and Multimedia) group from LASIGE in three main areas:
1 – Development of mobile applications. Study of information mobility and ubiquity, information management in collaborative environments, and optimization of visualization and interaction. Development of mobile applications applied to healthcare. Study and development of innovative design and evaluation methodologies for mobile applications.
2 – Development of mobile systems for emergency management. Research on teams who have to handle emergencies and characterization of the aspects of mobility, contingency, contextualization and flexibility in their activities. Development of models and applications adapted to the characteristics of mobile devices and decision-making needs of the teams managing emergencies.
3 – Development and evaluation of middleware platforms for mobile devices. Development of mechanisms supporting cooperative activities with mobile devices, with emphasis on information sharing, coordination, collaboration and information visualization.
Project’s Documentation
Journal Papers
Zurita, G., P. Antunes, N. Baloian, L. Carriço and F. Baytelman (2008) “Using PDAs in Meetings: Patterns, Architecture and Components.” Journal of Universal Computer Science, 14(1). Special issue on Groupware: Issues and Applications . ISI impact factor in 2006: 0.338. Number of papers in 2006: 94. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/jucs-08.pdf
Zurita, G., P. Antunes, N. Baloian and F. Baytelman (2007) “Mobile Sensemaking: Exploring Proximity and Mobile Applications in the Classroom.” Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(10), pp. 1434-1448. ISI impact factor in 2006: 0.338. Number of papers in 2006: 94.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/jucs-07.pdf
Sá, M., L. Carriço and P. Antunes (2007) “Ubiquitous Psychotherapy.” IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(1), pp. 20-27. ISSN: 1536-1268. Healthcare Special Issue. ISI impact factor in 2006: 2.062. Number of papers in 2006: 43. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/ieee-pc-07.pdf
Antunes, P. and P. André (2006) “A Conceptual Framework for the Design of Geo-Collaborative Systems.” Group Decision and Negotiation, 15, pp. 273-295. ISSN: 0926-2644. ISI impact factor in 2006: 0.429. Number of papers in 2006: 30. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/gdn-06.pdf
Springer Periodicals
Sapateiro, C., P. Antunes, G. Zurita, R. Vogt and N. Baloian (forthcoming) Evaluating a Mobile Emergency Response System. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 14th International Workshop, CRIWG 2008, Omaha, Us, September 2008 Proceedings, vol. to appear. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Antunes, P., R. Bandeira, L. Carriço, G. Zurita, N. Baloian and R. Vogt (forthcoming) Risk Assessment in Healthcare Collaborative Settings: A Case Study Using Shell. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 14th International Workshop, CRIWG 2008, Omaha, Us, September 2008 Proceedings, vol. to appear. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag
Herskovic, V., J. Pino, S. Ochoa and P. Antunes (2007) Evaluation Methods for Groupware Systems. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 13th International Workshop, CRIWG 2007, Bariloche, Argentina, September 2007 Proceedings. J. Haake, S. Ochoa and A. Cechich. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4715, pp. 328-336. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. Paper acceptance ratio: 41%. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/criwg-07-eval.pdf
Carriço, L., M. Sá and P. Antunes (2007) Handheld Tools for Personalized and Proactive Psychotherapy. Enterprise Information Systems Viii: Selected Papers from ICEIS 2006 Conference. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. to appear. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/iceis-07-book.pdf
Zurita, G., P. Antunes, L. Carriço, F. Baytelman, M. Sá and N. Baloian (2006) Analyzing the Roles of PDA in Meeting Scenarios. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 12th International Workshop, CRIWG 2006, Medina Del Campo, Spain, September 2006 Proceedings. Y. Dimitriadis, I. Zigurs and E. Gómez-Sanchéz. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4154, pp. 364-380. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. Full paper acceptance ratio: 21%.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/criwg-06-pda.pdf
André, P. and P. Antunes (2004) Sagisc: A Geo-Collaborative System. Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. 10th International Workshop, CRIWG 2004, San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 2004. G. Vreede, L. Guerrero and G. Marin. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3198, pp. 175-191. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. Full paper acceptance ratio: 23%.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/criwg-04.pdf
Book Sections
Zurita, G., P. Antunes, N. Baloian, F. Baytelman and A. Farias (2008) Visually-Driven Decision Making Using Handheld Devices. Collaborative Decison Making: Prospectives and Challenges. P. Zaraté, J. Belaud, G. Camilleri and F. Ravat. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 257-269. Amsterdam, Netherlands, IOS Press. Papers from the Collaborative Decision Making Conference CDM08, Toulouse, France. Full paper acceptance ratio: 49%.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/cdm-08.pdf
Antunes, P. (2007) A Design Framework for Mobile Collaboration. Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration. N. Kock, Information Science Reference. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/encyc-06-final.pdf
Peer-Reviewed Conferences
Sapateiro, C., P. Antunes , G. Zurita, N. Baloian and R. Vogt (2008) Supporting Crisis Management Processes by Wirelessly Interconnected Tablet-PCs. 2008 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Xi’an, China. IEEE Press. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/icebe-08.pdf
Sapateiro, C., P. Antunes , G. Zurita, R. Vogt, P. Infante and N. Baloian (2008) Supporting Unstructured Activities in Crisis Management: A Collaboration Model and Improve Situation Awareness. Mobile Response 2008 – International Symposium on Mobile Information Technology for Emergency Response, Bonn-Aachen, Germany, May 29-30. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/mr-08.pdf
Sapateiro, C., P. Antunes , G. Zurita, R. Vogt, P. Infante and N. Baloian (2008) Assisting Teams in Emergent Work Activities. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Coimbra, Portugal. Extended Abstract. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/gdn-08-emergency.pdf
Sapateiro, C. and P. Antunes (2008) Crisis Management: A Collaboration Model for Unstructured Activities. 1st ICC Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems, Lisboa, Portugal.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/wcss-08.pdf
Baloian, N., G. Zurita, P. Antunes and F. Baytelman (2007) A Flexible, Lightweight Middleware Supporting the Development of Distributed Applications across Platforms. The 11th International Conference on CSCW in Design, Melbourne, Australia. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/cscwd-07-mid.pdf
Sá, M., L. Carriço, P. Antunes, J. Reis and H. Lucas (2007) Defining Personalized Therapies for Handheld Devices. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Special Track on Computer Applications in Health Care (CAHC), Seoul, Korea. ACM Press, pp. 163-164. Paper acceptance ratio: 32.5 (all tracks). http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/2007acmsac-scwiz-marco.pdf
Zurita, G., N. Baloian, F. Baytelman, A. Farias and P. Antunes (2007) A Framework Like a Tool for Specify Motivating Collaborative Learning Participatory Simulations. The 11th International Conference on CSCW in Design, Melbourne, Australia. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/cscwd-07-sim.pdf
Carriço, L., P. Antunes, M. Sá, J. Reis, A. Henriques and A. Carvalho (2006) Mobile Devices for Active Psychoterapy. Proceedings of the IADIS International Applied Computing Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/2006iadisAP-scope.pdf
André, P and P. Antunes (2004) Sagisc: Sistema Colaborativo Para Recolha De Dados Geológicos. 1ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina – INTERACÇÃO 2004, Lisboa, pp. 25-33. Full paper acceptance ratio: 40%. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/papers/interaccao-04-sagisc.pdf
Pereira, Licínio Gabriel dos Santos Furtado (2006, Maio) Reuniões Electrónicas Com PDA. Tese de Mestrado, orientada por Pedro Antunes, FCUL. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Departamento de Informática. Lisboa. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/reports/T16.pdf
André, Maria Paula Bento Santos (2004). Ambiente colaborativo para recolha de dados geológicos e produção cartográfica. Departamento de Informática. Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Tese de Mestrado, Orientada por Pedro Antunes, FCUL.http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/reports/T12.pdf
Technical Reports
WrCK Project, WrCK – Wearable Collaboration Kit – Project Proposal, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, P. Antunes, Ed., 2002. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~paa/reports/R030.pdf